The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105722   Message #2177684
Posted By: Declan
23-Oct-07 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: Folk albums of 2007
Subject: RE: Folk albums of 2007

I'm currently sorting through my CD purchases this year to come up with my pick of the year. This isn't something I publish anywhere but tends the basis for some recordings I do for some friends of mine, to give them an idea of what I'm listening to.

So far my favourite CDs are "Prodigal Son" and "There's gangs of them digging" which is a retrospective album of Songs of Irish Labour recorded by the late lamented Dublin Singer Frank Harte. There are some other candidates, but I haven't come to any conclusions on overall albums yet. I may post again in a while when I've come to more definite conclusions.