The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105642   Message #2177767
Posted By: Azizi
23-Oct-07 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sayings you say to yourself or to others
Subject: RE: BS: Sayings you say to yourself or to others
"It bes that way sometimes".

I say this saying only when I'm in informal situations, but think it during more formal instances.

Btw, "It bes that way sometimes" is an example of the purposeful use of Black dialect talk. A number of African Americans do this {as well as a number of non-African Americans} for various and sundry reasons. But in my opinion, one reason is that it adds layers of meaning to the statement than it would otherwise have if "mainstream" English were used.

It seems to me that "It bes that way sometime" has more depth, more-shall I say soul-than "It's that way sometime" or "Sometimes bad things happen".

I think that "It bes that way sometimes" is shorthand for "It's the way of the world that sometimes things are the absolute sh*t, or at least things or people are not as you would like them to be. And sometimes you can't do anything about the situation you're in but wait it out, grin and bear it, and roll with the punches.


It just occurred to me that the saying "roll with the punches" is very much like the African American street phrase "suck it up".

I wonder if this is the case among other racial and ethnic groups, but I believe that from childhood on among a large percentage of lower income African American children, there is a strong cultural prohibition against admitting and/or expressing certain emotions. Children-particularly boys-are told that they shouldn't cry when they get hurt or when they are hurt. Instead, they are told that they should "suck it up"- "it" being the hurt or anger or fear or dissappointment that they feel. Sometimes, adults or other children punish or ridicule children who cry or otherwise show their pain. {Actually, ridicule is a form of punishment, isn't it.}

Personally, I think only a certain amount of feelings can be "sucked up" before those feelings make that person explode or implode or both.