The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105522   Message #2178686
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
25-Oct-07 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: Playing with wrong chords-how's it work?
Subject: RE: Playing with wrong chords-how's it work?
M.Ted I assume by "harmonic homogeneity" of the boppers that Collier meant that although they'd advanced from simple triads and 7ths by introducing extensions and substitutions, that those extensions and substitutions constituted a recognisable systems. His quote about slice a section... I took to mean that if you looked at one of these solos you could see what they were doing in terms of the extensions and substitutions they used. With Monk, if you did that, you'd find your wrong chords coming in from out of nowhere, unrelated to what was going on around them.
