The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105751   Message #2180420
Posted By: Big Mick
27-Oct-07 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: SINSULL'S 60th birthday - 24 October
Subject: RE: BS: SINSULL'S 60th birthday - 24 October
I hate followin' that Dickie wearin' bobert, but hey, I just can't miss this even if it is late.

These days I am online so very infrequently, that I just plain missed it. I guess that means I am going to have to suffer some form of punishment when next I see Mary m'luv. Wait ...... where's that friggin' ring? ...... that will get me out of the gorilla house..... damn .... the ape ate it. Shit.

Best cure for a hangover is whiskey. This is wisdom passed down through the ages. (where the hell did that come from????)

KT, oh muse of the north, I think you captured her right on the mark.

All the best, Sins. I have always had a thing for older women ***snerk*** Happy Birthday, and may the worst day of the rest of your life be no worse than your best so far.

