The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105634   Message #2180652
Posted By: Naemanson
27-Oct-07 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Amazing conversation with a 19 yr. old..
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing conversation with a 19 yr. old..
Sex, Drugs, Young People, Permission?

Listen very carefully. They do not need our permission. They do not want our permission. They do not care what we say or do about sex or drugs. They look to each other. Their goal is to "hang" with their friends and do what they want to do. Their goal is to enjoy themselves, listen to their music, party with their friends.

Having said that I should explain my authority. I teach English and Composition to sophomores in a small private Catholic high school in Guam. I start the school year with a talk on honesty and fairness. I explain that if they are honest with me I can be honest with them. We have a very good relationship in the classroom. They feel they can tell me things they would not say to other teachers because I do not criticize or judge them. Consequently I hear it all. At fifteen I do not believe many of the girls in my classes could attract a unicorn (i.e., they are not virgins). They all drink to some extent. Most have used some kind of drugs.

SO, to those who worry that giving condoms to kids is giving permission I would say they are not seeing the forest for the trees. The kids are doing this without our permission. Withholding condoms is just spreading disease and unwanted children and ruining young lives unnecessarily.