The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105818   Message #2180757
Posted By: Rapparee
27-Oct-07 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Critique Requested...
Subject: RE: BS: Critique Requested...
Maybe then Bobert could fire me? Please?

I dunno, Bobert, 'bout this accent thing. I mean, I kin write 'n' talk pritty much like I wanna. I got me some college degrees, got 'em up on the wall of my office at work to impress the yokels. Ain't nobody looks at 'em much, mostly they read my rubbing of Shakespeare's epitath. All the diplomas mean is that once upon a time I actually knew some stuff. But I'm not in the groves of academe and haven't been since about 1982 or thereabouts, except sorta peripherally. I kin talk with ya 'bout most anything from Jesus to jezails, an' in my job that's good.

I can, of course, also elucidate my thoughts in a more academic manner, complete with footnotes. I choose not to do so, since footnotes and bibliography are usually a pain in the butt and only the truly anal-retentive, such as myself, ever gives a rat's ass.

And knowing some of your educational background, you ain't the dumb hillbilly.