The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102942   Message #2180883
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
28-Oct-07 - 06:49 AM
Thread Name: Oxfam - Oxjam
Subject: RE: Oxfam - Oxjam
We Oxjammed until we dropped. Much excellent music from:

The Ghyll Head Band, Mapdcap Ceilidh Band,
Dave Bishop, John Routledge, Olga Adigu, Sue van Galen and Keith and Sam Hancock.

I think we squeezed around 80 people in. The collection made nearly £260 and Marek, the owner of the Lloyds donated another £40 so we topped £300.

Thanks to everyone who sang, played, read poems and generally had a good time.

Last Tuesday, The Barlow International Folk Dance Group raised £60 with an evening of country dancing from many parts of Europe for Chorlton's 3rd Oxjam,
Les in Chorlton