The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20730   Message #218129
Posted By: Callie
26-Apr-00 - 03:55 AM
Thread Name: Would you let strangers touch it?
Subject: RE: Would you let strangers touch it?
I was loading some hand-made drums I'd borrowed into the car. There was a group of children about and I thought it was cute when they started tapping on the drums. Then a small boy came and (uninentionally) put his fist through the drum. I had top send his parents the repair bill and apologise profusely to the drum's maker.

However, I like other people playing my guitar, especially if they're better players than me (most people) or playing on stage, coz I get to hear it in full flight.

I don't like people blowing my reed instruments. Reeds are absorbant and they will hold other people's moisture and germs (ergh!). Also, people are likely to have traces of food or drink in their mouths, and this affects the instruments badly, not to mention the revolting thought!
