The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105809   Message #2181490
Posted By: katlaughing
29-Oct-07 - 12:19 AM
Thread Name: Healing thoughts for Katlaughing-Tks! Done Healed!
Subject: RE: BS: Healing thoughts for Katlaughing
One more before I go to bed and this is esp. to Art, because it was HIS voice I heard in my head. I was nothing but negative, couldn't eat, sleep, relax, walk,stop coughing etc., etc. I had Art's Cowboy Barbara Allen going through my head when she says, "Yes, I'm sick, I'm very sick, I never shall get better. Young William died for me, today, I'm going to die for him tomorrow." Well, that's the way I felt, BUT I knew I had to turn it around, so finally I HEARD Art singing in my head, "Yes, I'm well, I'm very well, I know that I'm much better. Roger's taken good care of me, I'll care for him tomorrow!"

G'night all. Poor Rockies.
