The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105869   Message #2182518
Posted By: catspaw49
30-Oct-07 - 06:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nicknames or real names on Mudcat?
Subject: RE: NIcknames or real names on Mudcat?
Ya' know............

This topic comes up in one form or another several times a year it seems. I've been around here somewhere just shy of forever and I understand the concerns I suppose but I am more concerned that someone uses a consistent name. When I signed on here it was about split with real and pseudos but I had used mine elsewhere where safety was certainly an issue so I used it here because at the time it seemed a good idea. Almost 10 years later, ALL (and I do mean ALL) of the details of my life and my family are on these threads including all the boilerplate data except for my SS number. You can even find links (probably dead now, but they were there) to CAT scan and other medical data including an aortagram and a colonoscopy for chrissakes.

I still use catspaw49 as a sign in to many websites but around here. It was shortened way back when to "Spaw" and most older 'Catters use that name rather than Pat when we talk in 3D. I do agree with Bill D. (not too surprising) but I think some names come with a certain preconceived "idea" of the person which may cloud the thinking of those reading their posts.

Here's a funny little story about this........Wait......Let me have you do the "research"..............PM one of our wonderful German 'Catters, "Wolfgang." See if he won't come onto this thread an tell you why he changed his handle to just plain Wolfgang.

Spaw (;<))