The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105634   Message #2182961
Posted By: Greg B
30-Oct-07 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Amazing conversation with a 19 yr. old..
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing conversation with a 19 yr. old..
I'm always astonished by the 'right to life' types' willingness
to hijack any conversation about reproductive health. Here in
Bucks County PA, they're running protests in front of Planned
Parenthood and not just interfering with women's right to choose
what to do with their own bodies. They're interfering and haranguing
women going in for things like cervical cancer screenings and other
reproductive health screenings and services. So they don't just
hijack the conversations, they are hijacking women's health services.
Guess it makes 'em feel real important.

Look, if you believe that "life begins at conception" then don't
get an abortion
. But you can't prove it, no matter how many
little beats of developing hearts you show. So stop sticking your
nose into other people's reproductive organs (don't you think you're
supposed to be married to someone before you stick your nose into her
private parts, anyway?) and finding every possible method, honest and
dishonest, to interfere with her right to do what she chooses
with them, should she happen to believe that "life" begins
with extra-utero viability.

We have the Diocese of Trenton now running radio ads against New
Jersey's stem-cell research ballot initiative. I hope to hell they
lose their tax-exempt status as a result of the campaign.