The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80736   Message #2183023
Posted By: gnu
30-Oct-07 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
Well, f*** me! The left side is bad. Far worse than the right side was, and, that was nasty. I thought after two years I was in the clear. It's Beer's fault. He was here and spent an evening playing and singing and brought some fancy whiskey.... musta been the whiskey... musta been the beer.... but, I went chipmonk that evening and, since August 17, it's been a nightmare.

UNfuckingREAL pain and misdiagnoses by four docs (don't ask, you wouldn't believe it) - $400 worth of antibiotics for two months that make your bowels shake and dance when there is no infection (just got a new family doc that actually decided to take a swab (twice!) to see if I should be on antibiotics... no infection at all).

Anyway, I am to see the slice & dice doc tomorrow. All optins, hehehehe, are still open.

So, my expectations are not good. I can only assume a slice and dice much more invasive than the last one due to the fact that the entire parotid is swollen and hard as a rock and there is also a large lump just in front of the cheek bone.

So, I just thought I would post this summary because some of my Café friends know and some don't. If I am offline for a while, in a while, it's because I can't yell at the darn computer.