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Thread #105924   Message #2183598
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
31-Oct-07 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone seen strange comet
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone seen strange comet
There is weirder stuff than above posts if you go looking.

The signifigance of why Comet Holmes has appeared in the Perseus constellation has also raised many questions. In Greek mythology Perseus was the first of the mythic heroes and was credited with killing the Gorgon, Medusa. In the constellation, Perseus is said to be holding the head of Medusa in his left hand and many are stating that Comet Holmes has appeared in the area of Medusa's third eye, signifying an awakening of evil, grief and doom. The comet appeared next to the star Algol, which is considered to be the head of Satan.
Some have suggested that this light in the sky is man-made and is leading to a scenario laid out for us by Wernher Von Braun in the 70s and Canadian journalist Serge Monast in the 90s of a faked alien invasion called Project Blue Beam. Braun, the former director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, explained to his assistant before his death in 1977, that the government had planned to lead us into a cold war, a war of rogue nations, global terrorism and then a faked alien invasion in order to keep the people fearful and the war budget funded.
Some are quoting the Bible and speak of the dragon being thrown to the earth, bringing with him one third of the stars from the heavens. Others state this comet is a sign from God that the fateful and alert will recognize, as it has been predicted to herald the beginning of great changes. Nostradamus has been mentioned, along with his prediction of a great and terrifying King descending from the sky. And the Hopi Indian prophecy of the Blue Kachina star bringing the Fifth World into existence has also been discussed.
Some have implied that this comet will continue to behave erratically, eventually garnishing attention from the mainstream media and will cause great fear to spread across the globe. Others believe it is not a comet at all, but something new under the sun and that when the experts are able to define it, they will have to admit many mistakes about the nature of the Universe. A few believers of the "not a comet" idea think that we are watching the birth of a new planet and still others contend that it may be our galactic siblings coming for an introduction.
Some have suggested that the reason for Comet Holmes sudden brightening means it was impacted by an asteroid or that NASA shot an explosive device into it as they did with the Tempel Comet in 2005. Many are questioning the coincidence of the Space Shuttle launch ocurring within hours of the sudden change in appearance of the comet. And others have implied that sending a comet into the earth, and guiding it as was practiced with Comet Tempel, would achieve the New World Order agenda of depopulation without the messiness of a nuclear bomb.

I'm convinced!