The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105722   Message #2184521
Posted By: Giant Folk Eyeball (inactive)
01-Nov-07 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: Folk albums of 2007
Subject: RE: Folk albums of 2007
Erm... I was actually being flippant in my use of the word 'rules', Shimrod, and haven't accused you of laying down anything, I hope.

However... there does seem be a tendency for people to express their preference for thing A by slagging off things B though to F rather than by proclaiming to the world the utter marvellousness of thing A. I like traditional music rather a lot. I don't tend to express that by saying how much the music of, say, James Bl*nt or KT Tunstall sets my teeth on edge (though it undoubtedly does), but by saying, for example, how good I think the Askew Sisters or Bella Hardy are (all three about as callowly youthful as it gets, by the way).

And in my house - and it's a strange house, I readily admit - a deep affection for both Peter Bellamy and the 13th Floor Elevators (f'rinstance) is absolutely acceptable and not mutually exclusive. I'm not saying I'm right, but come to think of it...

