The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105818   Message #2185364
Posted By: Bobert
02-Nov-07 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Critique Requested...
Subject: RE: BS: Critique Requested...
Well, hell, I forgot all about this thread... Yeah, okay, I have been a buzy boy and a poor one at that... Had to pawn my skin, might of fact... Hey, 20 bucks ain't bad fir (old) wrinkled skin, is it???

Okay, I thought I'd get 25 bucks but, hey, 20 bucks was 'nuff fir a case of Iron City, a big bag o' fake pork rines and a Lotto ticket... So what's a guy to do but take the dough and maybe hit the Lotta an' have my skin back, ahhhhhm in a week 'er two...

Now as fir Chongo Chimp!!! Man, this alzheimers has got me in a terible pickle 'casue just today I heard something on the news that made me think of C.C..... Don't get excited, ladies, it'll come to me... Okay, maybe it won't...

Sheet... I hate this part of alzheimers!!!


Oh yeah, now I rememberate... It the Hollywood Writers strike... Hey, nave any of you folks actually seen TV in the last 20 years??? This i9s the best thing that has happened in America since, ahhhh, maybe forever... The folks who write thses absolutely stupid show are going on strike!!!


Time for Chongo & Buds to step to the plate and show these loosers why they'd be better off flippin' friggin' burgers...

Yeah, Chongo by his ownself could outwrrite the entire batch of 'um with both hands tied behind his back... Yeah, he could outwrite 'um with his left foot... Sho nuff could!!!

Shoot, you could roll Chongo in 3 miles of duct tape so that all that you could see was on danged Chongo hair that didn't get taped and that hair could outwrite the entire batch of future burger flippers...

Might of fact, I think they ougtta remane these strikers the FFoA, Future Flippers of American...


No more mindlessness on TV...

Time now to get on the news folks and maybe sign them up for the FFoA...

How 'bout Donnie Rumsfeld... He's outta work... FFoA...

Cheney is about as bad at the TV writters so why not give him an honorary memebership which will become active in a bout 13 or so months...

Meanwhile, Chongo... You all get to work!!!
