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Thread #105896   Message #2185834
Posted By: oggie
03-Nov-07 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: Radio 4 - early days of Folk Dance
Subject: RE: Radio 4 - early days of Folk Dance
I listened to this program and it opened a whole part of the history of the Folk movement I knew nothing about, a great program and what the BBC does best (BTW where are all the plaudits for the BBC for doing it on a mainstream station, I refer to earlier threads).

As to the fate of the archive we're back in Kennedy style territory. Who can curate it in such a way as to make it accessible to those who want to see it and to publicise it's existance (of which I was unaware before this program). In terms of Social History (my degree subject) this is a subset of a subset, may be important to folks here but in the wider scheme of things is a footnote on page xxx or a piece in a minor Journal. So who could take it? British Library and bury it in a vault under work pending, an academic library (which one? Sheffield seems to be bailing out of this area and Northumbria would tie it into the negative feelings, as evinced here, of their BA) Halsway Manor have the Kennedy archive to sort out. That seems to leave the VWML. I know all about the various agendas but on the plus side there seems to be a mood to sort out the collections (witness the recent grant).

Some folks will disagree, fine, but if so please suggest another suitable, specific body who could take it on rather than an airy-fairy "a museum connected with x"

All the best
