The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106024   Message #2186328
Posted By: bubblyrat
04-Nov-07 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we becoming too politically correct
Subject: RE: BS: Are we becoming too politically correct
There may well have been incomers to Britain,over the centuries,who have entered the gene-pool, and contributed to our cultural and ethnic diversity, but NEVER in such enormous un-checked and un-regulated numbers.What is happening now is APPALLING !!---At least, we were allowed to FIGHT the Germans ( and the other invaders) in the past, but now our own government is throwing wide our doors and abandoning our frontiers to every drug-dealer,murderer,gun-runner,money -launderer,people-trafficker and racketeer from every country on Earth, and then giving them OUR tax-payers' money ; houses;cars;welfare;free medical treatment ----you name it ! Just in the name of political correctness and (spare me ! ) " Human Rights ".
And what of OUR "Human Rights " , you ask ?? Do you know, I do believe that we don"t, in the eyes of the British Labour Party, actually have any !!!!! And you wonder why so many of us are racists !!! God help us .