The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106024   Message #2186340
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
04-Nov-07 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we becoming too politically correct
Subject: RE: BS: Are we becoming too politically correct
I think that last post might suggest that the answer is "No"...

But I don't trust the term "politically correct". Most of times I've actually hear it used has been from people who seem to think that acting and talking in a way that insults other people because they differ in some way from ourselves doesn't matter.

I prefer to talk about good manners and courtesy and being sensitive to others.

Here's a song I wrote about it, and posted on the Mudcat back in 2000:

Poison in Jest

Now there's a funny way of talking called "Politically Correct" -
Silly fools who think that words have some kind of effect.
Now that's surely not a notion that's entitled to respect -
So I'd like to poke a little fun at this strange dialect.
For when I meet some oddity I like to speak direct.
No, I never mess around with being "Politically Correct".
So I speak to them direct, that's what they must expect -
No I never mess around with being "Politically Correct."

So I say "Good Morning, Mr Nigger!",
or "How goes it, you old Yid?"
The answers that I get, I find surprising.
And I like seeing tins marked "Cripples",
or "For Little Spastic Kids" - I think euphemisims are so patronising!
So I speak to them direct, that's what they must expect
No I never mess around with being "Politically Correct."

So, perhaps you are a Poofter, or a Gippo with a van,
or perhaps you are a Mongol or a Moron -
or perhaps you come from Essex, Essex Girl or Essex Man,
and perhaps your name is Tracy, Wayne or Sharon
Well, I'll speak to you direct, that's what you must expect -
No I never mess around with being "Politically Correct."

If I'll call you what I choose, what's that got to do with you?
It's not my problem if the words appall you.
It's how I always speak when I'm talking to a freak,
and it doesn't really matter what I call you.
Yes, I'll speak to you direct, that's what you must expect -
No I never mess around with being "Politically Correct."

And if anybody says that I offends,
why then I just assume an
injured look - my poor little friends,
you must have lost your sense of humour.
And a sense of fun, when all is done,
it never should desert you.
And sticks and stones can break your bones -
but words can really hurt you.

So, I'll speak to you direct, that's what you must expect -
For I never mess around with being "Politically Correct."

Now some might call it courtesy,
or politeness or respect -
But I prefer to call it "being Politically Correct".