The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106024   Message #2186552
Posted By: Rowan
04-Nov-07 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we becoming too politically correct
Subject: RE: BS: Are we becoming too politically correct
A good link, Kat. Coincidentally, the post it took me to was followed by one from "PeterT", who (like me is a Mac user and thus a twitcher whenever the term 'Personal Computer' is used in a noninclusive way) posted on the experience of the Ontario Museum. In Oz, we had a not-dissimilar expereince when the National Museum (the one in Canberra) was opened with a fair amount of material about Aboriginal history. Our Prime Minister (for whom the only acceptable history is a "narrative" and who has described anything other than anglocentric history as "the black armband view of history") railed against the Museum so vehemently that the Director lost her job.

One of the most vehement deniers of the notion that Aborigines in Oz were massacred is Keith Windshuttle and he got stuck into the Museum display too; the Prime Minister is so taken with his views that he appointed Windshuttle to the Board of the ABC, our national broadcaster.

But we keep plugging on; election is in three weeks.

Cheers, Rowan