The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106024   Message #2186941
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
05-Nov-07 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we becoming too politically correct
Subject: RE: BS: Are we becoming too politically correct
Thread drift, but...

"One minute you're talking separate Assemblies, the next X wants to control the North Sea revenue," If that's a dig at the Scottish National Party it's not really too fair, George.

The SNP have always been pretty open about wishing complete independence for Scotland, and also pretty vocal about the fact that most "British" oil comes from what would be Scottish national waters if they were independent.

I don't think the disaster of the way Yugoslavia broke up should be grounds for getting too worried about what would happen Scotland achieves independence. The example of how the Czechs and the Slovaks managed to part amicably enough, and the Norwegians and Swedes and the Danes and Icelanders also showed how these things can be handled without too much upset.

And though the initials of the SNP and the BNP may sounds similar, they are poles apart.