The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106054   Message #2187157
Posted By: Nickhere
05-Nov-07 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fireworks! Hate them!
Subject: RE: BS: Fireworks! Hate them!
Actually I must confess to rather liking fireworks - one of the few 'honourable' uses of gunpowder. They give great entertainment.

I know some people are disturbed by the noise, but in fairness - fireworks tend to be limited to a few timnes a year and regulations exist to ensure they do not go on all night. That's a far better situation than your neighbour's ghetto blaster going dunmph!dunmph!dunmph! like a relentless jackhammer all night as the cops explain on the phone 'there's not much we can do actually...have you tried telling them?" (no, I don't like the look of their dog). Or unnattended car alarms (all car key rings should have a receiver attached that emits a shrill alarm at the same volume as the owner's car alarm until the absentee owner returns to their car and turns off the offending alarm). Some say old people and animals are frightened by them. Maybe - I often hear dogs bark at them, but then dogs will also bark at any loud noise, car alarms, passing cats etc.,

But as pointed out above, fireworks are limited mainly to a few times a year, domestic animals can be brougt indoors. Old people know these bangs are caused by fireworks, not falling artillery shells (unless they're the unfortunates in Iraq) so what's the big deal? I suspect the real reason why old people are afraid of the bangs sense they are likely to be connected to other worse anti-social behaviour by young (and old) louts. That's a separate issue that needs to be sorted.

And then what about hunting season when armed men go after unarmed innocent ducks (my sympathy clearly lies with the ducks, and I make no apology for it), the dull slam of their shotguns echoing across wetlands to nearby housing estates?

As for injuries - yes, young kids shouldn't be using fireworks unsupervised and irresponsible adults who supply them to kids should get a rap on the knuckles!