The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106076   Message #2187836
Posted By: Ebbie
06-Nov-07 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lewis Hamilton - black?
Subject: RE: BS: Lewis Hamilton - black?
Generations ago when African-American slaves were valued at X percentage of people of white European extraction, a very small amount of 'black' blood condemned the person to be called black and therefore not only of lesser value but also subject to the accepted exploitation. It seems like we still cling to that standard, whether it is voiced or not.

I remember stories that taught us that a "half-breed", whether Indian or black, was of vicious temperament, amoral, sly, devious and totally untrustworthy. I don't suppose it ever occurred to anyone to suspect that the treatment they received at the hands of the ruling class had anything to do with their perceived temperament.

Who was it who said something to this effect: When I reflect that God is just, I despair of the human race.

It seems to me that it was Thomas Jefferson.