The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106076   Message #2187902
Posted By: Azizi
06-Nov-07 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lewis Hamilton - black?
Subject: RE: BS: Lewis Hamilton - black?
In my opinion, the USA definition for who is or is not Black {meaning African American} is racist.

I'm referring to the view that one drop of "Black blood" makes a person Black, regardless how much White ancestry a person has, and regardless which race that person's biological mother is or a person's biological father is, and regardless what that person looks like.

I believe that Black racial membership is defined so loosely defined because the definition for who is White is so tightly defined. In other words, the definition for who is Black {in the USA} is racist because the definition for who is White is racist.

In the United States {and elsewhere?} at one time, a White person could have no other racial ancestry. At some point in the 20th century, it became fashionable for some White people to acknowledge and/or claim Native American ancestry, and perhaps some Chinese or Native Hawaiian ancestry. These people claiming this "non-White" ancestry would still be considered White if they only had a small degree of "non-White" ancestry and if they "looked" White. However, it is rare in the USA present or past that a person is {would have been} accepted as White if they acknowledge/d or claim/ed any Black African ancestry, regardless of how they look/ed.

In my opinion, a person who has one White biological parent and one biological parent who is Black {or who has some Black ancestry} should be allowed to consider him or her self White no matter how dark their complexion is, no matter how frizzy their hair is, and no matter how his or her other physical features look.

But that would be too much like right for any nation that is still deeply racist. And that would be extremely problematic for any nation whose people still largely rely on visual clues to determine the racial categories of other individuals.