The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26044   Message #2188163
Posted By: Muttley
07-Nov-07 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: Help: Looking for the Cobbers-Australian folk band
Subject: RE: Help: Looking for the Cobbers
I recall seeing The Cobbers at a function (from memory, in a school hall) once many years ago. Hadn't been a real 'bush / folk music fan prior but absolutely got blown away by the enthusiasm, energy and moreover the lyrics and melodies they sang.

Cannot recall the name of the singer (probably GUEST: Cobber) but I recall several songs he sang with a brilliant Irish-like lilt melded into the really bushie Aussie accent.

After moving back to the country some years after I revisited the experience through a friend and fellow teachers' Bush Band and have been a loyal "follower" since.

Great to hear that the Cobbers boys are still alive and doing their thing - though individually; Thanks for a great recollection and a chance to thank one of you for such a brilliant introduction to Aussie bush/folk sung with such pride and passion.
