The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106076   Message #2188254
Posted By: Azizi
07-Nov-07 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lewis Hamilton - black?
Subject: RE: BS: Lewis Hamilton - black?
Voluntary interracial relations probably occurred in pre-civil war United States between White men and Black women who were indentured servants. And voluntary interracial relations also probably occurred between White women and free Black males or freed or still enslaved Black males. However,given the deadly consequences for the Black men, but also probably for the White women, these White women/Black male voluntary relationships were undoubtedly far fewer than the voluntary and involuntary White male/Black female relationships

Post African American emancipation in the United States, Black men/White women interracial relationships seem to be far more numerous then the reverse. That said, it's definitely not uncommon to see and hear about White men/Black women romantic relationships.