The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106076   Message #2188272
Posted By: Azizi
07-Nov-07 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lewis Hamilton - black?
Subject: RE: BS: Lewis Hamilton - black?
Although the person who was/is the initial focus of this thread is not from the United States, most of my comments refer to the United States since that is where I "live, move and have my being".

However, one of the reasons why I like Mudcat is that it provides opportunities to engage in "conversations" about various subjects or the same subject from persons from various nations in the world.

For instance, Peter K (Fionn)'s 07 Nov 07 - 07:41 AM to be very interesting. Prior to posting on Mudcat, I didn't know that "Black" was used by some Asians in Great Britain and some Indigenous people in Australia to refer to themselves or that others used it to refer to those populations.

I continue to lament that there are so few people of color who post on this forum {or perhaps I should say "people of color who acknowledge that fact}.

It would, for instance, be very interesting to visit Mudcat and "hear" from Asians, Latinos, and other people of color-on this subject and on other subjects not pertaining to race/racism.

Maybe that will happen soon.

Where there's life, there's hope.