The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106076   Message #2188388
Posted By: Mrrzy
07-Nov-07 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lewis Hamilton - black?
Subject: RE: BS: Lewis Hamilton - black?
I did say that I grew up in *sub-Saharan* Africa, where the natives are all very, very black, and don't show up on film if there are whites in the picture, they look like a person-shaped sillhouette. I didn't say all Africans are black.
And black IS a skin color. That was what I was talking about, skin color.
And my point about the black this and black that in the education system, but never any white this or white that, is that if they are teaching white stuff it's the default value, and nobody says white, but if it's about black people suddenly it's about blacks. Why not have it all be about PEOPLE - and NOT constantly remind people of their skin color and how much it matters? How about ignoring it and letting people judge others on their character? What I object to is that if you're white, you're normal, but if not, then you belong to some SUB-category - not just another category.
Why is it OK to have black history month and not white history month? Why is there a caucus of black mayors but not of white ones? Not that the whites need anything special for them, it's just that the whole thing simply stresses the fact, which should be of little consequence, that some people have different skin colors than others. Grr.