The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106084   Message #2188997
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Nov-07 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas should be 'downgraded'(?)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas should be 'downgraded'(?)
The report you provide the link to does have decidedly Orwellian overtones in certain respects, Morris. While I am entirely in favour of multiculturalism, I think that it is best left to occur of its own accord in a completely natural way....NOT to be manipulated by government policy. Furthermore, I think that an attack (of a procedural sort, I mean) on any cultural group in a society by deliberate government policy is totally irresponaible...and that is what they are attack, in this case, on the traditional culture of British society. It's ridiculous. Should Russians attack traditional Russian society in order to achieve greater multiculturalism in Russia? Should the Japanese do so in Japan? Should the Belgians do so in Belgium? Should the Ugandans do so in Uganda?

It's utterly absurd, this kind of politically-correct sounding attempt to gradually dismantle a country's own original identity and replace it with some homogenized version of "world" culture. It's ludicrous. It's an attempt to inflict on one's own population what few would have the gall to inflict on another population in some distant place...unless, of course, they invaded that place and took it by which case they would definitely have the gall to do that. ;-) We've seen examples of that lately.

As you said, the best idea to improve race relations worldwide would be to "stop invading and destroying other countries that pose no threat to 'the west'".   Bloody right.