The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106084   Message #2189043
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Nov-07 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas should be 'downgraded'(?)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas should be 'downgraded'(?)
Right. I don't have any trouble with anyone, religious or nonreligious, who minds his or her own business and treats others resectfully. I do have a problem with governments telling people what they should or should not believe and practicing various subtle and not-so-subtle forms of mind control. Of course, they all do it to some extent, don't they? ;-) They just can't help themselves.

Grab, Chongo noticed your comment "you can pretty much count the non-white participants (in outdoor, non-playing field sports) on the fingers of one foot".

"That would be five, wouldn't it?" he said. "Sounds like a reasonable start."

I've noticed that there are VERY few Black hockey players. And it's always been that way, although it is very, very gradually changing at least here in Ontario. So? I suspect it is because the past tends to repeat itself. What I mean is, young Black kids growing up tend to idolize their heroes in what they see as their own cultural community and imitate them...which means they are very much more likely to be attracted to sports that already have a great many Black players on, basetball, baseball, etc...

A few will be drawn to hockey, and a few more, gradually as time goes by. It's a natural process that occurs in any society. Why worry about it or put it on some kind of government-inspired quota basis?

How many Blacks are drawn to country music in North America, for example? Very few...but a few are. Charley Pride was a notable Black country music singer....and I have known exactly one Black man in this area who liked playing country music. One. He was quite good at it too. I don't see any need to be worried about the fact that country music performers are almost all White (with a fairly noticeable Native American contingent too, I might add...).