The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106125   Message #2189198
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Nov-07 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: The MOST British given name of all is...
Subject: RE: BS: The MOST British given name of all is...
Now, Mario...don't make the mistake of taking my sweeping generalizations about such trivial matters at all literally or seriously, please...!!! ;-)

They are made merely in the spirit of fun, not as an attempt to prove my omniscience. Deliberate overstatement is simply a way of making a light conversation more entertaining. I suggest viewings of numerous Woody Allen interviews on Youtube to make you more aware of how and why this is done. Woody always overstates wildly when he generalizes, and it's not by accident, because his tongue is set firmly in his cheek at all times.

I still say that Nigel is a name that simply reeks of the UK and only the UK, regardless of whether there are a few people born and bred in the USA and in other countries who bear the same name. Hell, there are people born and bred in the USA with any damn stupid, ridiculous name you can imagine or invent. I bet there's some kid out there somewhere called "Darth Vader" ----------....just add the surname of your choice and call him "Darthie" for short.