Aw I guess I'm going to jump into the fray. If you play in a very nonprecise way this may help. I like the song but haven't played it. But in reading this I wondered, how hard can it be so I picked up a guitar. Playing in "G" works. G, C, and D. So the first line is the G chord with a bass regression of G, F#, E (open) back to G. Then "we'd go to the school yard..." that's a C chord with a bass regression on the A string of C, B, A then go to a D chord at the end of "here's what we did". Then the choosing the teams line is a C chord to D back to C to D. The "measure of my self esteem" line is the G regression again. The the line about the ones they pick first and last is the C to D to C to D again. Then from this you ought to be able to figure the chorus. If nothing else this should outrage the real guitar players in this group enough to jump in and have me dragged out of the village and stoned. I've not had any training on the guitar and can't tell you what the names of the chords with regressions really are. I just play it simply and try to find chords that sound right. Now I'll duck for cover!Rex