The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106057   Message #2189621
Posted By: SINSULL
09-Nov-07 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: Where is Micca?????
Subject: RE: Where is Micca?????
The calm before the storm. I am up and showered and awaiting some coffee. I hope they stay in bed for a while so I can wake up. Jude is wonderful - even Lizzie came to greet her. And Micca looks great - all smiles and stories. He forgot that he had called me on Moday night from Tinker's so for a few minutes he thought I was mind reading.
"Mary? Have you ever heard of a catalog called (I interrupt) Oriental Trading. Horrible tack!' He stares at me and adds "They have this hideous (I interrupt) life size stick on the wall Nativity scene with all Irish people..." Stunned silence then "Honest Micca - we talked on Monday"
He is very tired.

I will let Tami tell you how she found them at the wrong bus terminal.

That lobster should be a lovely shade of green by now Spaw - aged to perfection. I wouldn't share it with the family Spaw. Keep it all to yourself.

Severn has a battery pack tucked up behind his right ear. Takes a Phillips screwdriver and some nerve. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it...