The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106054   Message #2189854
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Nov-07 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fireworks! Hate them!
Subject: RE: BS: Fireworks! Hate them!
Humph! You sound like one of them prissy city slickers to me, Stigweard. Us country folks hereabouts don't worry our haids about stuff like that because we have a lot of empty space around us, so if'n some consarned yahoo starts makin' a big racket we jest hike over the hill and find a quiet spot of our own in the shade of the juniper trees, suck back on a jug of moonshine and contemplate the beauty of nature fer a bit.

And here's the thing I've always noticed. The one MAKIN' the racket enjoys it! The one not makin' the racket doesn't, unlest he is a good friend of the one makin' the racket.

We-all LOVE to blow things up and make one hell of a racket as long as it is OUR git what I'm sayin'? If'n it is the other feller's depends on how much we like the other feller and whether or not we is tryin' to git some shut-eye or not.

What you need to do is MAKE some noise of yer own, Stigweard. Let it be YOUR idea to make a hell of a lot of noise, and you will find out jest how much fun it is to let off a rip-roarin' bunch of fireworks. Blow them other suckers right off the street with yer own fireworks show. That is the best way to fight back, and it's fun!

Bobert, Spaw, I'm with ya, boys! Let's get together next July 4rth, go down to Nashville, buy a shitload of the best fireworks money can buy, and blow the whole danged Grand Old Opry right off its foundations. Yessiree. Great fun. ;-D