The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106054   Message #2190258
Posted By: Bobert
09-Nov-07 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fireworks! Hate them!
Subject: RE: BS: Fireworks! Hate them!
Well, gol danged right, Hawkster... And right after we blow the Grand ol' Opree up let's take what we left over to stigs-wierd's niehborhood an' show his neighbors how its really done...

Okay, maybe July 4th wouldn't go over too good over there but what the heck... If they can't take a joke???

BTW, why the Grand ol' Opree??? Why not a certain ranch house in Crawford, Texas... Man, wouldn't that be fun??? Then one certain individual, upon retiring, might have to live in an ol' Airsteam....

No, better yet...

Nevermind... The Grand ol' Opree works fir me... Plus, I know of a real quiet spot about 40 miles west of Nashville in Buck Snort where ya' can rent a motel room fir less than 20 bucks right next to the 24/7 Quick Stop that has the coldest beer in the state of Tennessee...

If it gets better than that then I'd like for someone to explain how...
