The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106054   Message #2190993
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
11-Nov-07 - 03:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fireworks! Hate them!
Subject: RE: BS: Fireworks! Hate them!
I have to admit, the firework display at Legland Windsor this year was something special.

It was a still, reasonably warm night for November, after a spanky sunny autumn day, and the conditions were perfect. All the lights in the park were switched off so the only glow in the sky came from Heathrow Airport some miles away across the valley.

It was one of those evenings where the music and the fireworks fitted perfectly. We could have been watching one of those weird sound graphs that Disney used in the original 'Fantasia' or from Windows Media visualisations.

OK, so the story was lame (Witches ball, bad witch wants to win and bewitches the orchestra, good witch knocks 'em dead with talent) but the timing of the music and the fireworks was perfect. Usually, there's a split second delay, but that evening conditions were perfect and they were spot on. And do you know... out of a crowd of several thousands - there was not a single 'oooh' or 'aaah' until the end. OK, there were a few 'wow's but it was that kind of display!