The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106054   Message #2191193
Posted By: Bobert
11-Nov-07 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fireworks! Hate them!
Subject: RE: BS: Fireworks! Hate them!
Well, gol danged, woodsy, at least I got one firin'...


But Norweigan reminds me of yet another "Bobert Story":

                      "Yet Another Bobert Story"

Back when I lived in Wes Ginny in a mountain community there was a big lake and a nice club house and every 4th of July the local fire fepartment would set off some real nice fireworks... Like Liz was describing, they would be set off after an afternoon and evening of picnicing and music and kids of all ages splashing in the club pool...

As per any event in a Wes Ginny mountain community that involves partying there were a number of folks who wouldn't make the designated driver's list, if you know what I mean, and on this given 4th of July we just happened to have such a feller about 20 feet from us...

But nevermind him, for now...

So 'bout 9:00 came and it was getting toward dark and time for the big event... Now usually, like the display that Ebbie was talkin' about in Alaskaburg the display usually lasted about a half and hour or so... Well, the fire dapartment had set up all their stuff over on a point on the deep side of the lake and had the van filled with the firworks to be loaded into tubes and lit and a few fire trucks scattered around the point, as well...

"bout 5 minutes into the display one of the mortors misfired and went right into the back of the van filled with fireworks waitin' their turn...

Now, folks, this ain't a good thing to happen... It's kinda like my last firework story 'cept alot worser... Within' a few swconds the point became a war zone... It was so lit up you could see folks running and diving into the lake... It took about 30 seconds for everything to blow the heck up and then this eerie silence... The only thing left that could be seen was the burning van sittin' in the middle of the point...

Everyone was horrified and silent 'cept... guessed it... Mr. Drunk who was still sitting their on his blanket who swt down his Budwieser, becane to clap and yelled accross the late "Far, fu*kin' out, man, far fu*kin' out..."

Well, luckily there were just a few burn and bruises to the folks from the fire department... One of my neigbors who was the fire marshall got hit in the side of the face by a firework but he healed up okay...

Is there a mopral to this story??? Well, not really... Stuff does happen and thankfully no one was seriously injured, however, as per usual the incident proved yet again that Budweiser never made...

...Bud wiser...

                               The End, Part 2
