The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106123   Message #2191315
Posted By: Rapparee
11-Nov-07 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: Armistice Day Thread - Monitored please
Subject: RE: BS: Armistice Day Thread - Monitored please
Ralph G. Doellman, WWII
John H. Mueller, WWII
Robert Doellman, WWII
Robert M. Slocum, Vietnam
Carl Altgilbers, WWI
Peter Strunk, US Civil War
William M. Lyons, WWII, Korea, Vietnam
John A. O'Neill, Civil War, Spanish-American War
Clarence Weisgerber, WWI

The first four lay close together in Quincy, Illinois; the next two lie in other cemeteries there. The rest sleep in Arlington National Cemetery.

Here's something I wrote....

Jesse didn't come to work today.
The dead were tramping through her mind again
Too much death and too many napalmed bodies
Too much blood, too many brains spilled in the mud
Too many broken bodies --
Chains a thousand years in forging kept her home.

Jesse didn't come to work today.
The dead were tramping through her mind again
A kid right out of nursing school
She was there at Khe San, Hue and Tet
Off to war, she saw it all
Chains a thousand years in forging kept her home.

Jesse didn't come to work today.
The dead were tramping through her mind again
The bottle drowned the nurse that she had been.
She'd roamed around and slept around
Nothing stopped the marching
Chains a thousand years in forging kept her home.

Jesse didn't come to work today.
The dead were tramping through her mind again
When the foreman went to find out what was wrong
He found her lying across her bed
A forty-five slug in her head
Chains a thousand years in forging yanked her home.