The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106208   Message #2191701
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
11-Nov-07 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: MODERN MAN FOR FREE - Dec 16 2pm Orangeburg, NY
Subject: MODERN MAN for FREE
An early heads up that MODERN MAN will be giving a concert at The Orangeburg Library in Orangeburg NY on December 16 at 2 PM. The concert is free but seating is limited. The place holds about 100 people and 50 % of the seats are already spoken for.

Should you want to attend it is necessary to call 845 359-2244 (The Library) to reserve a seat. No charge-- but reservations are necessary due to demand and seating capacity.   Best to do it soon since, as said, 50% of seats are already spoken for.

Bill Hahn