The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27891   Message #2191878
Posted By: Jim Dixon
12-Nov-07 - 08:27 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Whaur Gadie Rins
Subject: Lyr Add: O! GIN I WERE WHARE GADIE ROWES (J Imlah)
This may be the original, from "May Flowers. Poems and Songs: Some in the Scottish Dialect" By John Imlah, 1827.


CHORUS: O! Gin I were whare Gadie rowes
Thro' rashie haughs and whinnie howes:
O! gin I were whare Gadie rowes,
By the fit o' Bennochie!

Whare partial nature loves to strew
The wildest flow'rs o' fairest hue
That sip the siller draps o' dew,
By the fit o' Bennochie.
O! gin I were, &c.

Whare wing the blithest o' the brood,
That charm the welkin an' the wood,
To lilt their notes in merriest mood, .
By the fit o' Bennochie!
O! gin I were, &c.

When Gadie glances back the beam
O' morning's shine—their smilings seem
On meeting lover's looks to gleam,
By the fit o' Bennochie!
O! gin I were &c.

There smiled the morning o' my life,
But syne I've been my Willie's wife
My day has dreed war's stormy strife,
Far, far, frae Bennochie.
O! gin I were &c.

Tho' kith an' kin hae closed on me
Their doors an' hearts that I should be
A sodger's wife—still lat me see
The fit o' Bennochie.
O! gin I were &c.

Then soon—oh! soon may bludeshed cease,
An' faes meet frien's to part in peace!
Then bliss will wi' our years increase,
By the fit o' Bennochie.
O! gin I were &c.