The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68750   Message #2192491
Posted By: GUEST,Bill in Oregon
13-Nov-07 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost
Subject: RE: BS: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost
The Holy Spirit I believe is a group of three souls that watch over us on an individual basis of each one of us. I think we with them make up a group of four to a team of sorts. We are the fourth member of the team. This is why you may see a four grouping is used in many anceint symbols such as the Egieptian cross The regualar cross itself is a symbol with three points in the air, represents our Holy Spirits in heaven watching us and the fourth one in the ground represents us as the fourth member in the ground of Earth.

Bill in Oregon

very negative inspiration. AN OPEN LETTER TO HATE GROUPS
From Bill and his Holy Spirit Racing Team

This is a letter to help you realize why you think you need to hate others for a specific reasons that you think makes perfectly good sense. If you are very comfortable with doing this hate to others because you are presented this information in the form of inspirations from your Holy Spirits in Heaven.
I believe a force of three beings with souls that one could be a twin of our own and the other two a twin soul unto themselves that all watch over us on a individual basis and also give us many test of sorts to go through. This is probably one of your major test for this life. I believe their inspirations are both bad and good. Some of these inspirations we are meant to take on because these test have to be taken to bring about a change from within our own soul so that it may develop into a loving nature that helps others at our will. I believe we are meant to have many trials in our lives from our personal team of Holy Spirits and are probably are best friends of all time. They this same three have probably been with us from the beginning of all known time. Yours trails this life may be to hate others for one reason or another. If you concentrate and say I will not hate anyone no matter what your inspirational force will do or no matter how the offending person may try to bother you. You should not judge that offending person because he or she may also being pulled emotionally by their Holy Spirits to new hatred levels and so it really is not the person you see but their Holy Spirit force moving them in wild directions within them so try not to judge them and forgive them and try to settle them down in a calm cool voice!!! not be able to change your point of view ,but if you let them make you think it is all right in your mind then they can take you to new levels of hate at a increasing rate. I hope you consider this good information because your inspirational force may be blocking your thoughts of reason as you read this. So please consider keeping a copy of this and read it once in awhile and see if it might help you think of changing from a hater to a people lover. Try to remember that you do not to be a hater to win and that might help you