The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8910   Message #2195937
Posted By: GUEST,Sometimes Nothin's a Real Cool Hand
17-Nov-07 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
I just recently purchased CHL and have been watching it like crazy. The scene in which Luke finds out his mother has passed and he picks up the banjo is gut-wrenching. I love the song however, I had taken a completely different aspect on the lyrics. Rather than it being a sacreligious spoof, I though it more along the lines of the plastic Jesus was a lost soul's attempt at redemption. Oh well, I'll just keep thinking that to myself. :)

Anyhow, to Dave's Wife, I've been reading these posts for the better part of an hour looking for the complete lyrics. I'm at work and while on smoke break just a few minutes ago, I was downstairs singing the bit from CHL and me and a fellow employee were talking about the movie, which sent us in to talking about another movie and then another.

He asked me if I had ever seen Crash, and I said that I had. And he said that it was crazy how the only good guy was the one to die. And I went woah... the one with the Plastic Jesus! How weird! And then I came back up to my office (yeah, I should be working) and was reading more and saw your post about Crash... It's weird that I had never made that connection. But yeah, I just checked out the Billy Idol version... not bad, but then I LOVE Billy Idol too! :)