The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106356   Message #2197217
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Nov-07 - 12:24 AM
Thread Name: wanted,banjoman photo c1800s Era.
Subject: RE: wanted,banjoman photo c1800s Era.
I've got a great one of my dad when he was up on Amchitka, with banjo and I think he's got his pipe sticking out of his mouth, too. But, that was sometime in the 1960s!

One of THESE FELLOWS. might agree to your using one of theirs.

You might also like to look through the photograph collection ofWestern History & Genealogy at the Denver Public Library. A search just using "banjo" came up with This Sweet one.

They have information about purchasing photos and also about copyrights and accepted use.

Hope that helps.
