The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106374   Message #2197549
Posted By: Emma B
19-Nov-07 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fast car worship
Subject: RE: BS: Fast car worship
"It is your regular habit to try to discredit me, and many of my posts. So far all you have succeeded in doing is alienating other people."

No it isn't Giok! I have never made any personal attack on you (although you have made a few on me) but I will continue to point out inacuracies in anyone's statements and omissions of salient points deliberatly or carelessly!

"As far as driving is concerned, at least I don't drive my car into water that is too deep for it!"

Yes I WAS overwhelmed when a river broke through a bridge in the floods earlier this year. It was a very frightening experience that still gives me the odd nightmare, maybe one day I will be able to treat it with glib humour too!