The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105787   Message #2198905
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Nov-07 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Low US dollar, high Canadian dollar...
Subject: RE: BS: Low US dollar, high Canadian dollar...
Yup. Remember 911. An attack on America...but by whom? Not by any country. Not by any government. Not by any government's armed forces. Certainly not by Iraq or Afghanistan.

It was an attack planned and carried out by a secret group of conspirators. We may know who some of them are or were. We may not know who some of them are or were. We probably don't know who most of them are or were.

Such attacks by secret groups of conspirators are an international police matter, not a military matter. It is not appropriate to respond to such an attack by invading a country which did not launch the attack...regardless of whether or not you think that some of the people involved in planning the attack are living or hiding in that country. They are not the government of that country, and they do not represent it or its general population.

Many of the people assumed to have been involved in the 911 attack were Saudis. Why, then, has the USA not used the same bizarrely flawed logic it used to invade Afghanistan...and invaded Saudi Arabia?

I'll tell you why. Because of money. Because they did not invade Afghanistan over 911. 911 was the propaganda excuse for that invasion, which had major strategic purposes with regard to Russia and the Middle East and the oil-producing Caspian regions. And they did not invade Iraq in 2003 over either 911 or WMDs. They invaded Iraq over oil, primarily, over petrodollars, and over the desire to have permanent military bases in that region for future strategic purposes of a warlike sort. Staging grounds for the next war.

So, yeah...remember 911...the attack by various mysterious conspirators, known and unknown, which was then falsely used to justify 2 unprovoked wars of aggression against 2 small countries and governments that did NOT attack America...and never had even the ability or the intention to attack America.

Who has paid the price of those 2 wars of aggression? Americans...and the populations of Iraq and Afghanistan...and some soldiers and civilians from a few other places. Boy, have they paid!!! A million people may have died by now as a result of those 2 wars, most of them being ordinary Iraqis and Afghans who just happened to be unlucky enough to be living there. How many of the real 911 conspirators have paid the price? Not even half of them, I would bet. Probably a lot less than half of them. Where do they live? Maybe closer to home than some of you might think.