The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106424   Message #2198980
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
21-Nov-07 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: High Definition
Subject: RE: BS: High Definition
I have contemplated going another direction--I have a large enough living room, with beautiful paneling and a picture rail that I could hang a slim screen on the wall, to be lowered to use with a projector. The HD TVs are coming down enough that they almost compete with the modestly priced projectors that would cover 4 - 5 feet of screen space on the wall.

But like Bill, it's a treat when we can occasionally go out to eat a modest meal. The cash for a toy like that is a long way off. I will have to spring for the converter for a television that isn't connected to the satellite feed.

I had planned to pay off credit cards a couple of years ago and then possibly get the projector. But we had a burglary, in which three thugs helped themselves to enough appliances and computers in my household and damaged the door on the way in that I was obligated to perform repairs (deductible) and replace what was stolen (much covered by insurance, but not all. The guys were seen but never caught and the projector plans were put on hold. I have two dogs now, and the expenses that go with them. I think I enjoy the dogs more than the television viewing.