The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13684   Message #2199729
Posted By: Declan
22-Nov-07 - 03:06 AM
Thread Name: Meaning of words in Danny Farrell
Subject: RE: Meaning of words in Danny Farrell

To answer your question the stress tends to be on the second half of the word Police the O is almost silent, which is why there is some confusion with the word Please. We're not talking about the Polis here.

I'd be in two minds as to whether the meaning is that DF hates people and the police or reserves his odium for the "people's police". (I don't recall ever hearing anybody pronouncing the 's'). Given that Danny is a bitter man, it may well be the former. So it could be that there should be an 'and' between people and police, except that definitely wouldn't scan.

As to scanning I think its just a slightly clumsy line, not one of Pete's best. I don't think putting the word garda in there would improve matters.