The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20868   Message #219982
Posted By: GUEST,flattop
29-Apr-00 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day - April 28
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - April 28
Leonard Cohen had some thoughts on spring in Death of a Lady's Man. He probably took creative writing courses. Maybe we should too. The piece is more than a page long, so you'll have to get the book if you're interested, but it starts:

It's Probably Spring So-an-so is sick of all the shit but doesn't feel that bad today because it's probably spring. The laundry in the sunshine tells the obscene family story of power and love but it doesn't matter because it's probably spring. Jack is fat and Jane is twisted from the Plague but you don't have to choose today because it's probably spring...