The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106487   Message #2200346
Posted By: Big Jim from Jackson
22-Nov-07 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: Seamus Kennedy's Tours to Ireland, WOW!
Subject: RE: Seamus Kennedy's Tours to Ireland, WOW!
I sure hope that ship has reasonably priced drinks, too; but most of all I hope they have drinks in abundance. Seamus likes a drop now and then, plus the passengers will find themselves in the mood for adult beverages.
I really can't convey the good times I had on the tour. Not only did I get a first hand feel for a beautiful part of the world and its history, but I met with some very fine people. The tour participants were congenial, the Irish we met were very hospitable and friendly, and Seamus is a considerate and accomodating host. You are not likely to have a better time in your life.
I know from past threads that many of you are Seamus fans. We had people on the tour from all over the USA. Next summer, if you want a fantastic trip, sign up. I know this sounds like I'm shilling for Seamus, but I'm not. I just want any who are interested in Ireland and its music to know about the opportunity. I came away with a much greater appreciation than I previously held---and I was a fan of Irish music before I went.