The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106508 Message #2200522
Posted By: Rasener
23-Nov-07 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lost data UK Government
Subject: BS: Lost data UK Government
I think it is appalling what has happened with the lost data. The excuse it was too expensive to only provide a few bits of info. How ludicrous. Surely it was possible to query the database and filter only the information needed without too much cost.
So what next apart from people losing their jobs etc.
They have now sent over 7 million letters out to affected people apologising for the error. Hang on, how much does that cost? There is obviously the material costs such as paper, ink, envelopes, postage. What about the labour costs involved including the labour costs delivering the bloody things and the rubbish afterwards and teh trees used.
Utterly disgraceful.
We are one of those affected, but I don't need an apology and I do not need money wasted in this way. This money could have been used for shoring up our collapsing National health.