The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106508 Message #2200965
Posted By: folk1e
23-Nov-07 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lost data UK Government
Subject: RE: BS: Lost data UK Government
Was the data lost from an "internal post service"? If so it means that the discs could be lying in an in tray as we speak. If e-mails are loged it would mean there would be a paper trail (or should that be e-mail trail) to the more senior officer who would (presumably) have had to sanction the action! Why were they unconcerned about compliance with the data protection act? Failiure to comply carries a £5,000.00 Fine for each item of information ...... now that's 20,000,000 times £5,000 ..... ummm that makes it £100,000,000,000.00!!! (One Hundred Thousand Million Pounds in English) This could mean Allister Darling could cancel income tax for a year! YES!! That man gets my vote!